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                                                                (see "Prophetic Vocabulary")

Note; Can a Juror determine truth without hearing ALL of the evidence?  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that one hear ALL of the evidence, beginning with Part #1 of these posts!

       In previous TESTIMONY, the DEFENSE  presented EVIDENCE of a "Mystery Religion" that arose out of Rome at the SAME TIME as EARLY CHRISTIANITY.

       This "MYSTERY RELIGION" worshipped MITHRA(Michael), who was a "SAVIOR GOD of LIGHT", after the "First Man's FALL".

       Ladies and Gentlemen of the JURY, the DEFENSE would offer for your consideration that;

       THIS "Mystery Religion, that worshipped an ancient PAGAN God" IS THE "MYSTERY", in Mystery Babylon.

       The JURY will now hear the TESTIMONY of "Documented Human History" regarding Mithraism
From a number of discoveries, including pottery, inscriptions and temples, we know that Roman Mithraism gained a significant boost and much of its shape between 80 and 120 AD/CE, when the first artifacts of this particular cultus begin to be found at Rome.

It reached a peak during the second and third centuries, before largely expiring at the end of the fourth/beginning of fifth centuries.

Among its members during this period were emperors, politicians and businessmen.

Indeed, before its usurpation by
(re-named to "Catholic) Christianity", 

Mithraism enjoyed the patronage of some of the most important individuals in the Roman Empire. 

In the fifth century, the emperor Julian, having rejected his birth-religion of Christianity, adopted Mithraism and "introduced the practise of the worship at Constantinople." (Schaff-Herzog, VII, 423)

       It is the TESTIMONY of "Documented Human History" that ROMAN Mithraism was "OVERCOME" by ROMAN "Christianity".

       However, it is the TESTIMONY of SCRIPTURE, that THE OPPOSITE WAS TRUTH;

  •  "Christianity" was OVERCOME BY MITHRAISM.

       The DEFENSE will present the following EVIDENCE that;

  •  modern "SUN"-DAY observing "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" IS THE HARLOT that rides the Seven Headed Beast.

       REVELATION 17 TESTIFIED that the Seven Heads were Seven Mountains.

       The Bible's "Prophetic Vocabulary" tells us those Seven Mountains would be SEVEN KINGS(Kingdoms), that would carry "Pontifex Maximus Christianity".  

   10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

       The JURY will now hear the TESTIMONY of "Documented Human History" regarding Seven World SUPERPOWERS that supported the Great Harlot.

       The FIRST "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" was;

  •  ROME

       -CREATOR of, and THE FIRST PUBLICLY DECLARED Pontifex Maximus "Christian" World Superpower Kingdom was the First Head.


       The SECOND "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" was;

       Portugal established itself as an independent kingdom from Galicia in 1139, making it the oldest European nation-state.

       During the Reconquista period, "Pontifex Maximus" Christians reconquered the Iberian Peninsula from the Muslim and Moorish domination.

       In 868, the First County of Portugal was formed.

       A victory over the Muslims at the Battle of Ourique in 1139 is traditionally taken as the occasion when the County of Portugal as a fief of the Kingdom of León was transformed into the independent Kingdom of Portugal.

       In the 15th and 16th centuries, as the result of pioneering the Age of Discovery, Portugal expanded western influence and established the first global empire, becoming one of the world's major economic, political and military powers.

       Portugal spearheaded the exploration of the world and undertook the Age of Discovery.

       Prince Henry the Navigator, son of King João I, became the main sponsor and patron of this endeavor.

During this period, Portugal;

  • explored the Atlantic Ocean, discovering several Atlantic archipelagos like the Azores, Madeira, or Cape Verde,

  • explored the African coast as well as colonizing selected areas of Africa,

  • discovered an eastern route to India that rounded the Cape of Good Hope, discovered Brazil,

  • explored the Indian Ocean and established trading routes throughout most of southern Asia, and

  • sent the first direct European maritime trade and diplomatic missions to China and Japan.

       The Treaty of Zaragoza, signed on 22 April 1529 between Portugal and Spain, specified the antimeridian to the line of demarcation specified in the Treaty of Tordesillas.

       All these facts made Portugal the world's major economic, military, and political power from the 15th century to the beginning of the 16th century.

       The THIRD "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" was;

       Spain emerged as a unified country in the 15th century, following the marriage of the Catholic Monarchs and the completion of the reconquest, or Reconquista, of the Iberian peninsula in 1492.

       It was an important source of influence to other world regions during the early modern period, when it became a global empire, that has left a legacy of over 500 million Spanish speakers today, making it the world's second most spoken first language.

       In 1469, the crowns of the "Pontifex Maximus" Christian kingdoms of Castile and Aragon were united by the marriage of Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon.

       1478 commenced the completion of the conquest of the Canary Islands and in 1492, the combined forces of Castile and Aragon captured the Emirate of Granada, ending the last remnant of a 781-year presence of Islamic rule in Iberia.

       That same year, Spain's Jews were ordered to convert to Catholicism or face expulsion from Spanish territories during the Spanish Inquisition.

       Spain was Europe's leading power throughout the 16th century and most of the 17th century, a position reinforced by trade and wealth from colonial possessions.

       It reached its apogee during the reigns of the first two Spanish HabsburgsCharles I (1516–1556) and Philip II (1556–1598).

      It was the first empire of which it was said that the sun never set.

       The FOURTH "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus SUNDAY Christianity" was;

       The monarchy reached its peak during the 17th century and the reign of Louis XIV.

       By turning powerful feudal lords into courtiers at the Palace of Versailles, Louis XIV's personal power became unchallenged.

       Remembered for his numerous wars, he made France the leading European power of the time.

       The FIFTH "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" was;

       The British Empire comprised the dominions, colonies, protectorates, mandates and other territories ruled or administered by the United Kingdom.

       It originated with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries.

       At its height, it was the largest empire in history and, for over a century, was the foremost global power.

       The SIXTH "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus SUNDAY Christianity" was;


       The SEVENTH "HEAD";

       -World SUPERPOWER to embrace and support "Pontifex Maximus Christianity" and WILL HEAL THE DEADLY HEAD WOUND WILL BE;


       THOSE, Ladies and Gentlemen of the JURY, ARE "the Seven Heads" of REVELATION 17's SCARLET BEAST(Satan's "Christian" Political Governments)

       In PART #24, the JURY will hear the TESTIMONY of REVELATION regarding the WOMAN that rides the BEAST.

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