PART #18 - THE VICAR OF CHRIST(Pontifex Maximus)

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                                                                (see "Prophetic Vocabulary") 

Note; Can a Juror determine truth without hearing ALL of the evidence?  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that one hear ALL of the evidence, beginning with Part #1 of these posts!

        In the previous Posts, the JURY heard the TESTIMONY of 2 Religious Groups RISING UP inside of the ROMAN IMPERIAL STATE.

      One of those groups was the TRUE "Christian" Church, WHICH KEPT THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD, and had the TESTIMONY OF JESUS.

       The other group, THE MYSTERIES OF MITHRAS, "SATAN'S" COUNTERFEIT  of "Christianity", WHICH DID NOT REGARD GOD'S 10 COMMANDMENTS, had its own;

  • "Instead of"  -BAPTISM

  • "Instead of" -SACRAMENT of Bread and Wine

  • "Instead of" -SABBATH Day of Rest

  • "Instead of" -JESUS CHRIST


    (Latin vicarius, from vice, "instead of") 

    Vicar of Christ

    (Latin Vicarius Christi). "instead of Christ"

    Daniel 8
    11 Yea, he("Little Horn") magnified [himself] even to the prince of the host(Jesus Christ), . . . . . 

    Vicar of Christ

    (Latin Vicarius Christi). "instead of Christ"

           A title of the pope implying his supreme and universal primacy, both of honour and of jurisdiction, over the Church of Christ.

           The title "INSTEAD OF" Christ is more expressive of his supreme headship of the Church on earth.

            In PART #9, it was questioned how a LONG DEAD EMPIRE could have survived to remain as the LAST of the FOUR KINGDOMS OF DANIEL.

           It was also questioned whether this "LITTLE KING / KINGDOM" (SATAN), would be;



    that would make war against those that keep the Commandments of God.

    Roman Emperors

            In addition to their pontifical office, emperors were given divine status: initially after their death, but later from the start of their reign

           As "PONTIFEX MAXIMUS" Christianity prevailed, the emperor's religious status changed to that of Christ's regent on earth, and the Empire's status was seen as part of God's plan to Christianize the world.

    Main Entry: re·gent
    Pronunciation: re-jent
    Function: noun

    1 : a person who governs a kingdom when a monarch is not able to

           In the next post, the JURY will continue to hear the TESTIMONY of "Documented Human History" regarding ROMAN "Christianity".

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